Sadekusa (Persicaria maackiana) is a weed with no particular characteristics. It is one of the so-called "paddy field weeds" that used to be ubiquitous, but due to the recent development of irrigation canals and redevelopment of rice paddies, it is now listed as a semi-endangered species in Kyoto Prefecture's Red Data Book 2015.
The flowers are similar to those of mizosoba (Polygonum thunbergii), but the color is much paler, and the leaves are narrower than those of mizosoba, which are called "cow's forehead. The thorns that grow on the stems are more moderate than those of mamakonosirinugui (Persicaria senticosa) and ishimikawa (Persicaria perfoliata). The name, the flowers, the shape of the leaves, and the thorns give it a slightly elegant look.