


A Hoshihoujaku hawkmoth (Macroglossum pyrrhosticta) was nectaring on an Abelia flower after the rain, its wings worn and tattered, but it was still flying nimbly and ardently seeking nectar. It's now September and the mornings and evenings are getting chilly. Today there was only one hawkmoth around, while more than 20 visited at a time in early September. The eggs laid now will survive the winter as pupae and become adults next spring. This one is engaged in one of the million-year old rituals of passing down life from one generation to another.


Photo taken 2021-09-19

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カやハエなどの「双翅目(ハエ目)」の昆虫には、前翅の付け根に退化した後翅が見えます。多くは先の丸まった棍棒のような形をしており、「平均棍」と呼ばれます。わかりにくい日本語ですが、英語では balancer というので、こちらの方が機能的に理解しやすいです。飛翔時には、前翅の羽ばた...