


I found a mantis (Kokamakiri (Statilia maculata))at the base of an Enoki tree along the riverbank I visited recently. It was almost the same brown color as the bark of the tree, and at first I thought it was a dead leaf caught in the tree bark, but upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a deceased body of a praying mantis. From the size of her belly, it seemed to be a female, but seeing her belly is still round and large, I wondered if she was able to lay her eggs safely. Along the river, the insects that buzzed so loudly during the summer have all but disappeared, and it is rare to see them in their final stages. I guess most of the bodies are soon cleaned up by ants and other insects and animals. It is pitiful to see their corpses exposed in this way, but at the same time, they seem to be proud of having lived out their lives.


Photo 2021-12-04

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