
「わなで捕らえる 線虫捕食菌」

I was really surprised by this. I heard that there is a fungus that catches and eats nematodes. The behavior of the nematode is introduced in NHK's "Microworld. It is well known that some fungi, such as Cordyceps sinensis (cicada mushroom, stink bug mushroom), grow inside the bodies of living insects. However, I was awestruck to find that there is a fungus that "captures" live nematodes. Just as the bladderwort (Utricularia) feeds on water fleas, the nematodes that enter the trap are caught and killed, and their nutrients are absorbed. For more details, see the video on the link below, and you can see how it works. The fact that it is a trap consists with only three cells is also awesome. The world of living things is truly full of wonders, isn't it?






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カやハエなどの「双翅目(ハエ目)」の昆虫には、前翅の付け根に退化した後翅が見えます。多くは先の丸まった棍棒のような形をしており、「平均棍」と呼ばれます。わかりにくい日本語ですが、英語では balancer というので、こちらの方が機能的に理解しやすいです。飛翔時には、前翅の羽ばた...