
センダンの実:Chinaberry tree (Melia azedarach)

Mt. Atago is covered with snow after the cold wave over the weekend, and it looks spectacular. On the banks of the river, the leaves of Chinaberry trees have all fallen off the trees and the light yellow fruits are shining brightly. Up close, the flesh of the fruit seems to be fully ripe. The fruits are eaten by hiyodori, orbrown-eared bulbuls, starlings, and thrushes, but they only eat the ripe ones because the pulp contains poisonous substances. In addition, the kernel inside the seed being large and the pulp being thin, the birds swallow and digest the pulp and then spit up the kernel. This is why you may see the kernels scattered under a nearby telephone poles. In general, poisonous plants can also be used as medicinal herbs, and all the parts of this tree is used as a herbal medicine. It is also believed to have spiritual power to ward off evil, and in ancient times, this tree was used for exposing gibbetted heads, which is why some people do not like to plant it in their gardens.


Photos 2021-12-28

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