
ネジキの果実:Fruit of Nejiki (Lyonia ovalifolia ssp. neziki)


I saw a number of fruits on a Nejiki tree at the foot of Mt. Ogura. The tree generally grows among other trees at the edge of the forest and bears few fruits, but perhaps because of the sunshine in this area, the fruits are plenty all over the branches, and now they seem to be drying up and scattering their seeds. With the increase in the number of deer, only trees that are poisonous and hated by deer, such as Asebi (Japanese andromeda) and Nejiki, remain. In order to restore diversity, attempts are being made to enclose severalareas and nurture the native trees.


Photos 2022-01-27

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インバウンドで国籍不明になった嵐山。行き交う人の90%以上は日本国籍ではなさそう。竹の小径は早朝から観光客でごった返して、自転車も通れません。風景をゆっくり楽しむような、ゆったりした風情や情緒は消し飛んでいます。ああ、コロナの頃が懐かしい。 フユザンショウです。通常のサンショウと...