
トチノキの冬芽と葉痕:Tochinoki (Japanese horse chestnut(Aesculus turbinata))


    When I was studying in England for the first time, I was strolling around the outskirts of the university and came across a huge horse chestnut tree. There were chestnut-like fruits on the ground. They looked shiny and delicious. I took them back to my lodgings, boiled them and bit into them. It was inediblly astringent, to say the least. I found out that it was a horse chestnut.     This tree is a horse chestnut in my current neighborhood, and it grows on the Arisugawa River. It must have been planted. There are many slightly unusual trees in this place, which makes it fun. Horse chestnut, hoonoki (Magnolia obovata), sansho (Zanthoxylum piperitum), kobushi (Magnolia kobus), matebashii (Lithocarpus edulis), konara (Lithocarpus edulis), mukuge (Hibiscus syriacus), natsugumi (Elaeagnus multiflora), kurogane mochi (Ilex rotunda), etc. There is a tree nursery nearby, so these trees may have been planted from there. Japanese horse chestnut usually grow tall and big. This is a precious place where you can hold the bud in your hand.


Photos 2022-01-10

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