

As I mentioned in my previous article, the long rains and high humidity this summer have resulted in many grasshoppers being attacked by Entomophaga grylli. Entomophaga grylli is a fungal pathogen that infects grasshoppers, multiplies, and kills its host. It is sometimes referred to as summit disease because infected insects climb to the top of the plant, grab the stem tip and die. It is said that the reason for climbing to the top of the plant is to spread its own spores widely, and it is known as one of the pathogens in which the so-called parasitic fungus manipulates the host.

先のセミノハリセンボンの稿でも書きましたが、今年の夏は長雨が続き湿度が高かったので、エントモファガ・グリリに犯されるバッタ類も多いようです。エントモファガ・グリリ(Entomophaga grylli)はバッタ類に感染して、増殖し、宿主を殺す真菌病原体です。感染した昆虫が植物の上部に登り、茎の先端を掴んで死ぬため、山頂病と呼ばれることもあります。植物の上部に登るのは、自身の胞子を広く拡散させるためと言われており、いわゆる寄生した菌が寄主を操る病原菌の一つとして知られています。


The grasshopper's head looks like a skull, which makes me back off a bit.

2021-09-01 撮影

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