

I found a tsukubane tree (Buckleya lanceolata) at the edge of a forest in Kyoto. I had found it in spring, but I went there to reconfirm when it bears fruits in autumn. I find only one tree growing on the slope, but seeing the fruits, I guess there must be a male tree nearby. Tsukubane is a dioecious plant.

The name "tsukubane" (literally, hitting (tsuku) a shuttlecock (hane)) comes from the shape of the fruit, which resembles a particular shuttlecock used in hanetsuki, a kind of badminton played during the New Year's holidays. 

Tsukubane is a semi-parasitic plant that grows on coniferous trees. At my hometown, when the season came, we used to pick up the fruits, throw the fruit into the sky, and play with it as it spun around like a helicopter.





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カやハエなどの「双翅目(ハエ目)」の昆虫には、前翅の付け根に退化した後翅が見えます。多くは先の丸まった棍棒のような形をしており、「平均棍」と呼ばれます。わかりにくい日本語ですが、英語では balancer というので、こちらの方が機能的に理解しやすいです。飛翔時には、前翅の羽ばた...