



At this time of the year, we see large caterpillars crossing the road. They are the last instar larvae of the hawk moths. Some of them are unlucky to get run over by cars or become the prey of wild birds. They should have stayed where they were and looked for a place to pupate, but they seem to be adventurous enough to go out of their way to cross the road to find a new world.

What I found this day was the last instar larva of a white-banded hunter hawkmoth.(Theretra oldenlandiae). It normally feeds on the leaves of yabugarashi, but on this occasion it had wandered into the thin branches of a Japanese knotweed and seemed to be in trouble. Boy, this guy is big!


Photo 2021-09-24

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カやハエなどの「双翅目(ハエ目)」の昆虫には、前翅の付け根に退化した後翅が見えます。多くは先の丸まった棍棒のような形をしており、「平均棍」と呼ばれます。わかりにくい日本語ですが、英語では balancer というので、こちらの方が機能的に理解しやすいです。飛翔時には、前翅の羽ばた...