The Kuromadarasotetsushijimi, a cycad blue (Luthrodes pandava), which had been visiting the pentas on the balcony, did not show up over the weekend when the cold system came in. Today, Monday, the cold weather eased up, but still no sign of them. It may have met its end somewhere. I hope they have managed passed their life on for next year. On the other hand, in the warmth of the daylight today, a common grass yellow (Eurema hecabe) showed up. This butterfly is about the same size as the common white (Pieris rapae), and although it looks so fragile, it spends the winter as an adult. I wonder where this tiny body gets its toughness. When sucking nectar from pentas flowers, it plunges its face as hard as it can to reach the nectar source with its proboscis. Pentas are a valuable source of nectar at this time of year. I'll leave it like this until the frost comes.
Photo 2021-11-15
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