
イセリアカイガラムシ:Cottony cushion scale (Icerya purchasi)


I found several Icelia  kaigaramushi (Cottony cushion scale (Icerya purchasi)) on the branch of a dead Medohagi (Lespedeza juncea). This insect was introduced to Japan from Australia in early 1900s and caused great havoc on citrus fruits. It is known that a natural enemy, the lady beetle (vedalia beetle (Novius cardinalis)), was introduced from there as a biological control agent. The front part is the actual body, and the white wax substance in the back is the egg. This one is a female, and the species is known for its female parthenogenetic nature. This is the first time I've seen this species here this season. The abdomen looks like whipped cream, making it an impressive insect.


Photos 2021-12-17

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