
コウゾ(あるいはヒメコウゾ):Kouzo (Broussonetia kazinoki × B. papyrifera) (or Himekouzo (Broussonetia kazinoki)): Leaf marks and winter buds


In Katsuragawa River, you can see groups of Kajinoki trees here and there along the riverbed, but they are all male trees. However, here we have found a group of female trees. These female trees are not actually Kajinoki, nor is it a Himekouzo, but it seems to a Kouzo tree. Kouzo is a mix of Kajinoki and Himekouzo. There used to be one of the few early paper mills in Japan, Papir Fabrik (founded in 1872, later purchased by the former Oji Paper, and closed in 1971), and I suspect that some of the Kouzo trees planted here may have survived. The trees have been heavily pruned to the point of being almost cut down, but the stumpy trees have survived well, with the thickest trunks growing to about 70 cm in circumference. The partially dead trunks produce a large number of hiratake mushrooms every year, much to the delight of the local residents. Today we observed its winter buds.


Photos 2021-12-17

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