
エナガとホオジロの食事風景:Enaga, Long-tailed tit, and hoojiro, medow bunting, feeding at riverbank


The days are getting longer, and I can spend more time watching the birds. On the riverbank, a flock of enagas (Aegithalos caudatus) and hoojiros (Emberiza cioides)were feeding. Enagas are basically carnivores, while hoojiros are basically herbivores. However, in winter, when the food is scarce, they tend to be omnivores. On this particular day, the enaga was feeding on a kind of scale insects and the hoojiro was eating seeds of tsuruyoshi, a kind of common reed.


Photos 2022-01-29

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インバウンドで国籍不明になった嵐山。行き交う人の90%以上は日本国籍ではなさそう。竹の小径は早朝から観光客でごった返して、自転車も通れません。風景をゆっくり楽しむような、ゆったりした風情や情緒は消し飛んでいます。ああ、コロナの頃が懐かしい。 フユザンショウです。通常のサンショウと...