
謹賀新年:近所の野鳥-シロハラ:Pale thrush (Turdus pallidus)


The snowfall on New Year's Eve wrapped the fields and mountains white, a decoration for a pleasant New Year. The number of people visiting the shrine on New Year's Day seems to have increased considerably from last year. In the afternoon, I went to Kameyama Park. There were not many birds to be seen, but I was able to see the usual birds such as the pale thrush, brambling, Japanese wagtail, grey wagtail, and Japanese pygmy woodpecker. This was the first time this season that I was able to properly take a picture of a pale thrush. This particular bird was not too afraid of people and were picking berries in the nanten bush. It's been seven years since I started consciously observing nature. I hope to have good encounters with all the living things in my neighborhood this year.


Photos 2022-01-01

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